Today we're going home...
"Knew a story about a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land"
Last entry that is actually written in England. I'm a bit sad, but at the same time very excited to see everyone again. This trip has been something that I can't really explain in words. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything, wouldn't change a single thing. Today I'm so happy for many reasons, the biggest ones being that this trip was such a success and that I'm going home now.
The cab comes in 45 minutes, and in 1 hour and 40 min we're taking off from Ipswich and towards Stansted and ultimately home.
And I have to thank Mickis and Issa for a stomach ache for laughing so much. At what, you might think... "Är tomaten din vän?" xD Sophie kept saying it and after a while I could hardly look at her without lauging my ass off.
(I'm sorry for spelling mistakes and all that, I woke up at 5am today, and fell asleep a bit late so... yeah. I'm TIRED )
Day 22 - all good things must come to an end
After I updated last we walked to Lidl and I took a few pictures of the neighborhood that I had not thought about taking before. We got a few things, and by the time we got back we had headaches because it was so warm out. Then we packed our bags, cleaned the room, and realized once again that the floor is brown!
Then we went back out again - to Lidl. We had coins that we needed to use, because we can't change them into crowns once we get back. We bought candy, of course.
We got back to the room, and after 30 minutes or so we were bored out of our minds, and Sophie wanted to go out running. The problem was? Both of our sweatpants are at the bottom of our bags. At the bottom. So we decided to go out walking instead.
It was warm, warm, warm. Synonyms? Hot, hot, hot. We walked for about 30min-1h, and I don't know how we did it, but we walked in a circle so we ended up right where we begun! How great is that? Impossibly great. But once we got back to the house, we were so tired that going up the staircase felt like climbing a mountain or something. That was how warm it was here today here.
After that we've done basically nothing. I started watching Twilight, and Sophie followed suit, only a few minutes behind me. A funny sight, I would think. Then, with only around ten minutes left of the film, Britain's got talent started! So that's what we're watching now.
We have yet to eat dinner, which unsurprisingly will be not so extravagant. Rice and sauce. Oh, I'm looking forward to eating meat and fish again xD I'm especially looking forward to eating sushi again!
No photos, sorry. I took them with my digital camera, and I have no usb cord for it... There will be once I get back, meaning that I'm going to upload a massive amount of photos on Monday (if I find the cord, which will be tough for me to do since I haven't used it for four weeks xD).
Monday- photos. You will tune in and watch them!
Day 22- the last day...
An early entry! Wow! I blame it on Sophie... I would've wanted to have slept until at least twelve, but I just can't sleep knowing that she's awake (except that one time back in week 2, I think).
Today is one of these boring days. We have to pack, we have close to no food left and there is no point in buying more, most of my clothes are dirty, the room is a mess and we have to clean it.
At least the weather is nice.
The time is 10.34 am, and I've been up an hour already (be proud, family!), already gotten annoyed at the computer and taken a shower. Soon I'm going to Lidl to buy stuff we absolutely can't live without today, and then I'm coming back here to organize my clothes the best I can. Which is, I have to say, not world class skills on my part.
There will be an update tonight, and probably a picture or two of our packing - depends on my mood. Tomorrow? There might be an entry then, keep a look out for one just in case. I will take loads of pictures tomorrow, I have already planned half of them, and when I shared these news with Sophie she did not seem too happy about it. But, if you know me, you know the huge possibility that I will loose the camera in my bag, and ending up taking only one or two pictures.
Yepp. That's today.
Day 21 - this trip is starting to come to an end
Woke up today and thought we'd overslept. It was just too bright in the room. Luckily, we had not overslept, it was just the sun that had decided to shine in the morning for the first time in... a while. We were very surpsingly not at all tired when we woke up today... so we're thinking we've been drugged or something!
The weather was unbelievably warm today, and I'm now sitting in the room in a t-shirt and shorts (pajama shorts, since I didn't bring any "real"...), on the floor which has become my place.
The last day at work was unsurprisingly uneventful. It was a bit weird, since this last week has passed way too fast. We're a bit sad that this is almost over (it's just two days left!!!), but at the same time excited to see everyone again.
Not much to say today. We should probably start packing, but... nah, we have all tomorrow to do that.
Day 20 - the sun is somewhat shining
Found a pair of sunglasses that I fell in love with, though they were cheap and that's why I didn't buy them. Why buy useless things just because they're cheap??
Also, while writing this Sophie came into our room, looking a bit... embarrassed. Totally missing the note that the washingmashine was broken (the note was put at a bit odd place though, everyone would've missed it), she had opened it to get her clothes... and the floor was covered with a puddle of water. We cleaned it up really good though. It's almost completely dry now.
The Holiday is an excellent film - just a btw.
Yesterday I was bored out of my mind, so I put on some music and danced to it - on the floor since the cord isn't that long. So there I was, miming my heart out to a song, and Sophie leans over the bed to say something, I don't know, and she scared me so much that I screamed really loud. Lol. This "morning" though I danced for real, or more like just jumped around. Ah, I love doing that.
Tonight we're eating ravioli, yummy. And that's basically how interesting it gets.
No initmail!?
Irriterande som faan.
Day 19 - very trivial things
It was really cold today. Windy, just barely raining, grey. Apparently this is typical for the first day of the "Suffolk Show". We're thinking about going there, might do it tomorrow? I have no idea.
We got to the shop at 10 today, and when we stepped into the backroom. Woa. People have cleaned out their closets this weekend! There were bags of clothes, shoes, games, toys everywhere. By the time we left there was no space to put the things in the backroom, and yet people kept coming with more. Though I couldn't resist buying a big t-shirt for 99p, it looked way too comfy to let it pass. Might not make it back home to Sweden, but it is a great shirt ^^
Yesterday we ate pasta! We bought two packets of pasta "cushions", one was filled with cheese, garlic and herbs, the other one was just cheese. Mmmm. Even got a comment of how nice it smelled by the "housmate that never speaks to us". It did smell lovely...
Dag någonting. Sista veckan...
Idag så vaknade vi av att min mobil börjar sjunga. Vaknar alltid tidigare och undrar om mobilen verkligen ska ringa. Tragiskt nog är klockan alltid runt fem då, så då är det bara att somna om. Ingen poäng med att ens tänka på att gå upp då. Så vaknar-somnar-vaknar man tills klockan verkligen ringer, och försäkrar mig om att vi har faktiskt inte försovit oss.
Men så har Sophie feber... No work for me either! Varför? För mitt kort blev tappat, taget, någon försökte ta mina pengar, det spärrades, och så lades en viss summa in på Sophies konto istället. Ser ni dillemat? Ja, bra.
När vi sovit några timmar till, så tog vi oss i kragen och fann vår väg till Ipswich town centre. Där köpte vi McDonalds till lunch, och jag blev väldigt glad för jag fick kött - något som vi äter väldigt sällan (nästan aldrig) här. Sedan fyllde vi på busskortet! Yay! Inget mer gående här inte! Efter det vandrade vi vidare till Somerfield för att att köpa det goda brödet, men de hade inte det goda brödet, så jag köpte KitKat (efter många om och men om vad jag skulle köpa för choklad), och en liten låda med frukt. Sophie köpte morötter... så när hon gick och käkade morötter och fick blickar från Britterna, så gick jag bredvid och mumsade på KitKat. Kände mig jätte nyttig, så då tog jag upp min frukt...
Det hela slutade med att jag gick från att jag var svälthungrig till att jag var proppmätt.
Har jobbat en hel del på webdesignen idag - känner mig stolt, och så ska jag börja på media-uppgiften alldeles snart.
Nämen titta på svenskan! Jag skriver inte svengelska i alla fall...
Mamma: Jag har redan allt det där i huvudet. Sa det till mig själv några gånger när jag upptäckte att den var borta ^^
Day 17
Woke up around 10 today, my back protesting a bit after sleeping on the couch, but didn't move to get up until 12 when we went home.
I talked to Julia today, so I'm really happy. I miss her a lot, and multiply that by a million.
Tomorrow we probably need to walk into town, since our bus cards went out today, and we couldn't fill them today since it's a bank holiday, and it's not open then. *sigh* Stupid backward England.
The weather though. I approve.
Day 17- about day 16
We saw X-men yesterday. I loved it, and so did Sophie and Lucas. The fight scenes, the revenge, Hugh Jackman. I've seen one other X-men film twice, and when I've done that I've seen it in parts... so at the end of this film I was sort of questioning its purpose. But it was great, anyway.
We also watched Brittain's got talent yesterday! I've never got tears in my eyes because of a show like that, but... I got tears in my eyes yesterday watching that little drummer-boy :'(
And today? We really need to get some washing done!
Pictures of other days

A random picture taken because it was so cute. It's a pillow.

A typical lunch. Give or take the tea.

Inide Oxfam shop in Stowmarket. We've got a bit of everything.

"Nu grönkar det..." It's very green here. People are very enviroment friendly.

I climbed this thing. Discovered that I do scream "like a girl". I know dad, that you're bummed that these things weren't around when you were a kid, but I am very happy. The world wouldn't be the same without our family.

This is our "landlord's" car. He drove us into Ipswich in it on our second day. I love it!
Dag 14, imorgon har vi varit här i två veckor...
Idag åkte vi dubbeldeckare! Både till och från jobbet. Vad är oddsen? Det var lite läskigt att åka med den bussen på så små vägar, men det gick trots allt. Jag tror bilarna fick lite skrämsel-respekt för bussen när den kom dundrande fram (körde fortfarande läskigt fort) på vägarna.
Vi har inte gjort speciellt mycket idag, än. Tänkte tvätta när vi kom hem, men självklart så är alltid tvättmaskinen upptagen. Varenda gång vi tänker tvätta så är det någon annan som redan tvättar! Helt otroligt.
Elen la av ett tag idag, också, tog internet med det. Testade då batteriet till datorn och upptäckte till min stora förvåning att det fungerade! Datorn la inte av! Ännu en otrolig sak. Sedan så var elen igång, och internet med. Det var tur, för jag hade bara någon minut kvar på batteriet.
Sedan satt vi här på rummet. Jag på golvet, Sophie på sängen, och så knackar det på dörren... Jag ser att dte är öppet så jag säger "kom in". Vem är det som stiger in om inte Doug... Lite pinsamt med tanke på att vårat rum ser hemskt ut, i stort behov av städning. Som tur var hade vi precis inte ätit, så tallrikar fanns inte i närheten. Efter honom kommer en kille in som vi aldrig sett förut - snubben som ska hyra rummet efter oss.
eh... lite pinsamt.
Nu vet jag inte vad jag ska göra... kolla klart på film? Jag är uttråkad...
just a pic

This is how it looks like inside the shop. We're leaving to there in 30min. Then after a couple of hours - A LONG WEEKEND! Woho!
Day 13, it's very relaxing
I'm only a few sentences away from being done with the religion paper. Ah-mazing!
We went to Lidl to buy chocolate, and ended up buying that and milk, to cartoons of juice and wait for it! Wait for it! FISH & CHIPS! (Let me guess who's jealous... DAD!)
I like today a lot. It went very fast, and I've done basically nothing (except write), and I've gotten some sleep!
I'm really happy that I've gotten some chocolate to eat, and that is really happy.
Mom: what film did you end up renting?
Day 13, another day!
So, we're working from home today. Somethings for Oxfam, mixing in a whole lot of school work also! It saves us 3 pounds for lunch. We ate noodles for brunch (yes, we slept that long).
Next week there is this thing called "Suffolk show" in Ipswich somewhere, to which we have been recommended that we should go to. It costs a bit, but it does sound like some fun. Haven't really understood what it is all about, but, I guess that's the point or something.
Mom: I have looked everywhere for it. I'm now just hoping that it will resurface when we go home...
Matilda: I'm actually less violent than I'd thought. I've only woken up two-three times to find that I've been on the way to punch Sophie... and I guess I've done so one time at least... I thought she would've forced me to sleep on the floor by now!
Dad: "yer"?
This is some day, day 12? Oh... nevermind
We decided to go and meet the guys, and we ended up at a playground somewhere where I re-discovered my crippiling fear of heights. I screamed like a little kid when the thing we were climbing on bounced. Heights jickes.
Then we got back to the guys' place, I stayed and watched a film while Sophie when supposedly had gone home, but then she reappeared a while later. Then it was my turn to have to go, and Sophie stayed. She has yet to come back - oh, there she came! (speaking of the devil?)
I've had a HUGE (capitol letters!) craving for chocolate today, I didn't buy any chocolate though. I only had a ten pound note and 47p in coins... I think I would've only made it worse if I bought chocolate for 47p.
I've taken pictures today. If I remembered them I would've explained them to you in detail, but, I've already mentioned that my memory equals a gold fish, so I won't. Putting photos over to the computer takes a long time, and ends up with me realizing that half (or more) of what I tried to save on the computer, has not been saved. So, sparing myself the trouble, and you the boredom - I am not going to do either.
Today is Wednesday, week 2. With that I note that this is going very fast. And that I'm not the most healthiest food (i.e vegetables), though I'm not so unhealthy either... or I sort of am. I walk a lot?
Stay tuned for day something that is tomorrow.
Day 11. When I'm sleeping, I'm a boxer
1. Won’t install the new computer
2. Won’t install the internet
3.Make us do the stuff volunteers should be doing (how did they survive without us?) ,
we can’t do that.
We need to get a better schedule, because this isn’t working. Everyone else work about three hours, actually doing something that relates to media, while we work 6-7h and do nothing that comes close to it…
Anyway, pissy part of the entry is over.
During lunch today I discovered a bruise on Sophie’s nose - caused by me. I’ve probably punched her in the sleep or something (suppressed anger at her? Noh!), though, luckily she had not woken up when it happened, or suffered anything from it. Speaking of suffering, I gave myself an electric shock yesterday while I was unplugging my computer - ouch! Not the nicest feeling.
Oh, and today we bought new bread from summerfield, which is the only bread we eat here (except for “the Baker’s Oven” ’s). We also got milk, Philadelphia, and juice - then we discovered (again) that they don’t accept our cards there, so I had to run and get some out. Nationwide, where it doesn’t cost to take out money, was out of service, so I had to go to another one >.<. Apparently the lady at the till hadn’t been too pleased about it. But we bought the food anyway because we love their bread!
Then we got on the bus, and the driver was in a bad mood, to our amusement. Quotes from him, or sort of, since my memory is a gold fish.
“Don’t fucking pull up in front of me! Mind my French”
“Yeah, you’re very much welcome” (he muttered this, so I didn’t catch the rest of it, but it was something about being ungrateful or something like that)
Then, only a minute after that, he was the one to block traffic, and another driver honked, and he, once again, muttered something that I can’t really remember.
Johanna: That is what we call rude. I have looked this time, but you are very much welcome here to try to find it.
Mom: I think Emelie, Elsa and Matilda will be good company, so it won’t get too lonely!
ONE picture, because I am amazing
Got to borrow Sophie's usb, so here comes one of the few pictures that managed to get over to the mystery that is my computer.
TADA! Taken Thursday or Friday when I was working haaard on that paper. This is where I have to sit when I do something very important - by the window on the floor, otherwise I can say good bye to everything and just accept that I won't pass.
That is the tradgedy that is my life. That and that I'm bored out of my mind! I though the computer was supposed to entertain you, but oh no! Everytime I put something even mildly entertaining on - screen goes black.
Yeah, yeah. Let me bore you too. My computer is somewhat my life-line here....
I am no cook
And, to Julia; you're not crazy. Though I do not see you irl, I sometimes see a picture and I think it is of you (though it is no way possible of it being you). In conculsion; I miss you so much! I have to see you THE day I get home, ok? You have no choice in the matter!
Day ten? This is going way too fast
We got to work today and were told that a computer is never going to be installer propperly, and that we should go to the library or something to work there? Library is closed on Mondays, so we sat by the till for a while went for lunch and when we came back we couldn't work in the till anymore, and a lady tried to make us carry stuff when we've been told NOT to carry stuff. She ended up calling Lucy, because somehow she thought we were lying (I was polite).
I started to feel ill around this point, and felt miserable for an hour or two. Then it passed, thank you a lot!
After that a lot of stuff happened, and didn't happen.
People don't seem to understand that we're here to help with media stuff, not work in the till, not sort and price clothes or books... I don't mind doing these things, but for 6 hours? It's work experience, I know, I appreciate being able to go to England a lot more then it probably seems like... but I'm bored to tears sometimes.
Tonight we're working on our religion paper, Aesir. Oh, the joy.
Summary of day nine?
*Woke up around eleven
*ate breakfast
*computer again
*went to the bus
*missed the bus
*walked to Ipswich
*walked around to find a hair dresser for Luc/kas
*didn't find a hairdresser
*was in the mood for pizza
*went to pizza express - they did not serve many pizzas
*left pizza express a minute after we got the menues
*went to the guys' place
*ordered pizza
*watched transformers (film)
*walked back home
*it took a long while
*invited the guys in to look at our room
*the guys left
*writing this entry.
Days never end up being as you think they will...
Day NINE!? the start of it
The film ended rather late, so we missed the last bus - meaning that we had to walk home. I was starving, since our dinner had consisted of basically nothing. It took an hour to walk, and I feel bad for Lucas/Lukas who had to walk back all by himself... Nice to get some fresh air though?
So far we have no plans for today. We need to get milk, and maybe some chicken for dinner tonight. Rice with chicken curry - yummy.
And no dad, still no Fish & Chips.
Photos are not being uploaded because the usb for my camera has been MIA. Have no idea where I've put it. Checked in drawers, bags, under things, over things, under the bed, in the bed... I'm hopeless.
Half of day 8
Today we bought rasberries, yummy, and bread! We saw the other guys that are here in Ipswich from the bus (everyone except Luc/kas), we waved (and I looked like a dork, I can't wave without even looking like a dork, or looking like "go the f*** away"), they waved back.
We tried to get a new battery for my computer, but that's not possible. We went to Hughes (it's really funny to say), and Argos (not as fun, but it does sound a bit funny).
It's blowing A LOT here, which is hardly just a little. It's violent xD
EDIT: HEY! It's exactly a week since we landed now! :O I thought it was Friday today...
Day numero seven
We needed to go shopping for grocery, and Sophie wanted to go to 1 poundland again (we go there so often it's getting ridiculous), so we bought some stuff. I found Hoola Hoops... but I'm the only one who likes them, and the bag is embarrassingly big. Too bad my luggage is just on the limit, otherwise I'd bring some back home with me, but dad's taking up the only space I will have with his icky Marmite.
Then after that we met up with the guys to eat some dinner. The only places here in Ipswich that serve decent food are pubs, and you have to be over 18 to get in!! So we ended up at McDonalds (not the best McDonalds I've been to), and then we strolled to their place.
When I started writing the paper for Swedish/social science, my computer decided to shut off completely again! It was off for about 10 min before it would restart again, and I'd lost my train of thought. Hate it when that happens!
And, mom (you complained about me writing in Swedish to you, but I don't see the poit of writing in English to you. I know you understand, it just does not make sense), you write way too many questions. I'll call you tomorrow (or Sunday) and we'll have time for some Q&A, since mostly our conversations has been about this computer... grr.
Sleep now! :D
What about this
I fell asleep yesterday at eleven, woke up at one, didn't fall asleep until six. So, I'm quite happy we're not at work today. Not that we'd do much there. No camera, computer... nothing we're supposed to work with. There's only stuff to do when Lucy's there, then you have goals for each day, but when she's doing other things, we drink tea with the elder ladies.
What I'm doing today is completing my social studies/swedish paper. I'm hoping that I'll be done with it by six, so that I can look through it one more time before I send it. (I'm also hoping that my computer doesn't shut down completely, and thus preventing me from writing, and sending, anything).
Apparently, or more according to Luke (two of the guy's roommate), Swedish teenagers aren't into drinking and drugs and such like the Brittish teenagers. Fun fact? It's a Luke fact. He's very good at rambling on about stuff that can be interesting if you aren't extremely tired. On this note I should probably add, so that you understand, that we went over to their place to celebrate Jocke's birthday. Very fun, actually.
it's nice to meet people, talk with people our age, since at Oxfam the mean age is around 60+...
And I'm ending this entry with something very positive: homesickness is gone! Woho! Though, I still miss you all back home, but it's a more healthier and berable miss you. Ain't that great!
This and that
The computer is working, though it shuts of when it wants to - there is no battery, so it has to be connected all the time. Getting a new battery soon, I hope. I also think it gets overheated, so it shuts off to cool down or something. I'm not this sort of geek, I can't work with computers this way!! :S Thank god for cellphones and my dad!
It was a short day at work, we didn't have much to do... Most of it could be done from here, so the old ladies there told us to go home! Yay! We went into Ipswich town center and looked around for food, and Sophie bought a sweater. It's really cool.
Then we found crepes! £2.50 only! I took one with strawberries, it was very jummy.
Now it's time to test the limits of this computer again! Homework!
This is probably going to be the APU theme song...
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like
June, hey, hey Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you
Even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had and me
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated Tell me did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself
And did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And did you fall for a shooting star
Fall for a shooting star
And are you lonely looking for yourself out there
(It's really beautiful, Sophie plays it as often as she can)
Något som fick mig att tänka på en viss person

Denna lilla krabat fick mig att tänka på Mickis ^^ Såg också en mosterklocka inne på Aros som påminnde mig om henne... men den var bakom kassan, så jag kunde inte ta kort på den. Den var söt iaf.
(Det finns många läskiga leksaker inne på Oxfam! :S)

This is how we sit when we're on our computers. On our bed, since there is no desk or anything here. It feels like home ^^

Ravenswood opp school bus stop. See the houses to the right? If you go up there and turn a few times, you just might get to our house.
This was taken... two days ago at sunset. We went out to meet up with the guys here in Ipswich, we ended up going to their place, and they made us food! It was really nice. Then we watched a film, but we went out to get the bus about 10 min before it ended (and the bus went 20 min later, or so).

When we were out shopping, I spotted this. It made me think of Mickis and Issa, for obvious reasons.

Bus stop. I'm not particulary fond of the buses here. It's always an experience.

Stowmarket is a beautiful small little town. I really like it! The people at the Oxfam shop are really wonderful. The only thing that makes me a bit bummed is that there is not much for us to do yet. We work 10-5, without really doing much.

Me acting silly by the till. I can't actually work it. I know in theory how to do, but as soon as someone comes with money, I screw up in a new way. I haven't made the same mistake twice, but I've probably made almost all of them.

Because this one is cute ^^
There's a downside to everything
It’s not only that! My computer decided to shut down a couple of times, always when I have written quite a bit on the paper that we’re turning in on Friday. It made me angry, desperate and panicky - so I cried. Oh, I cried. I’m not even ashamed of it. It was the computer I was going to use to keep sane! And I know my mom and dad doesn’t understand this, but without my computer, I’m going to miss everyone so much that I’ll probably be willing to pay the plane ticket back home myself…
But, we’re fine here. A bit bored. Working at the till and making clothes isn’t all that exciting. I’m hoping that we’ll find something fun to do this weekend. We probably will.
Also, dad complained about my spelling in my blog entries. I’m sorry about that, but they’ve been written in under ten minutes. This one has been written in a spell checker, so if you still see them… stupid spell checker? Pictures? Eh… they’re coming sometime soon.
Day 4
Today was, ok. Computer was still not in, so we got to work in the till and I now know how to mark clothes in an Oxfam shop. I'm terribe at the till, I know everything in theory, but in practice screw up every time - and I do mean every time. I was hopeless, I won't try it again if I don't have to untill a couple of days.
People here are so lovely and nice, especially the older ones. We have been offered tea, coffee, cookies and chocolate. We accepted the tea, cookies and chocolate (but not so much ;)). Sophie says she's drunk about 5 cups of tea today. Starting the day with a cup of tea is great.
Lucy, she's great. In her twenties, a musician. She loves Stockholm, and tells us stories of when she's been there.
Right now, both me and Sophie are very quiet. After four days together we don't have much to say to each other ;-) That and we're tired.
I have taken a lot of pictures today. But I'm not at all in the mood to post them now. Unfortunately- I have homework!
Mamma, vad står mamcia för?
Och... jag har fått munsår. Attans! >.< Mycket vectavir!
Ipswich town center and our house
I woke up really early this morning (hey, more stuff I forgot to say!) and after a while of being cramped up in the room, I decided to go for a walk. Only one problem, I did not know where the keys was. So when Sophie woke up I took the keys and walked outside. The walk never became a walk, because Doug who was outside smoking (we said it was bad for him, but he didn't listen), and offered to drive us into the center of Ipswich to get Sophie a power cord for her computer since she brough the wrong one.
After we got the right cord, we walked up and down the street to see the place. This is the photo I took then ^^

This is our house! :O Our room is the one next to the balcony. The one with the balcony is Doug's, and the room above ours belongs to some guy who snores really loudly. I think his name is Ben.

Day 1 in Ipswich
We (or more like I) started our journey around eleven yesterday at Stinsen where we ate lunch together. Then we drove to Västerås where I and Sophie took the plane to Stansted.
The plane ride did not go without troubles, but we survived!
Sophie and I made fun of a steward, because he was rude and very, very amusing. Thinking he was really charming and good looking or something, and arogant (when in fact, it was the other stewart that was). We named him Ah-dam! (guess his real name).
Stansted airport has a really good restaurant, so we decided that we were going to eat there when we leave.
Busride went well, and fast- the wait for the bus was long though. We arrived to Ipswich train station on time, 20.10 (english time).
Today we went into Ipwich town, then when we got back we went to go grocery shopping! Heavy!
Photos? Let's break a promise.
Going to do homework now, because I am just that great.
The day before
At this moment I am surprisingly very relaxed, have still not yet reached the phase of panic, or anything close to that, only a surreal excitement. I can't believe I'm going to England for 22 days, it's... strange.
Packing is almost done. It has been moved from the floor of my room (so I am no longer tripping over it) to the floor of the living room, where my mother frowned over the amount, and the necessity of sertain clothes. 15 kg isn't nearly enough for three weeks when you have to pack sheets and other things that might be hard to live without (ibumetin! <-- will not be very helpful if it's really bad, but really great when it's just above tolerable). Damn you, Ryan Air. Postive thing though: carry on luggage can be up to 10kg.
25 kg total.
Plan is now to gather all school assignements from schoolsoft, and put them in a document so that I can work during the train ride, and - if it's beyond this world awesome- maybe on the plane. But if it possible on the plane I am very doubtful of. And of course, eat.
Can't wait for tomorrow to come!
(Pictures of packing process will be up. They're ridiculously boring)
The introducution
Today is two days before we go, and I don't know about Sophie, but I'm really nervous. I'm currently packing. Which leaves me with almost no clothes to wear for school, and that's a pain - but I'm handling it with skill and grace.
This blog will be kept in both Swedish and English. Swedish for my friends and family, and English for my friends online who doesn't understand the awesome language.
Pictures, stories, and such will be posted at the end of the day. Hopefully we will have something fun to say.