ONE picture, because I am amazing
Got to borrow Sophie's usb, so here comes one of the few pictures that managed to get over to the mystery that is my computer.
TADA! Taken Thursday or Friday when I was working haaard on that paper. This is where I have to sit when I do something very important - by the window on the floor, otherwise I can say good bye to everything and just accept that I won't pass.
That is the tradgedy that is my life. That and that I'm bored out of my mind! I though the computer was supposed to entertain you, but oh no! Everytime I put something even mildly entertaining on - screen goes black.
Yeah, yeah. Let me bore you too. My computer is somewhat my life-line here....
Du har verkligen otur med tekniken. Hoppas du kan fortsätta använda pc, även om i limited tid. Hopplöst för dig. Jag förstår faktiskt din frustration över det hela. Mina kommentarer tycks ha kommit igenom i alla fall. Märkligt. Imorgon kommer Matilda och håller mig sällskap över helgen och på torsdag åker Victoria och pappa iväg. Det blir tomt i huset nästa vecka, både du och Vics bortresta. ha en bra dag!